As a companion to the healing mission of Earth and Water Wellness, this blog focuses on living the Fully Actualized Life and on healing techniques for clearing the blockages that hinder this. Topics include The Nature of Reality, How Consciousness Affects Reality, and the application of various Healing Techniques as practiced by Marie. These include Hypnotherapy, Beyond Quantum Healing, Reiki and Shamanic Journey.
Sunday, March 8, 2020
One Foot In Atlantis - How The New Reality Works
One Foot Planted Firmly on the Ground...And One Foot in Atlantis
In the world as we have known it, most live out their lives and die without ever knowing why they were here.
Religions have arisen to attempt an explanation of life and to try giving it some meaning. While a few contemplative seers sometimes developed insight into the underlying reality, for the most part it has been the blind leading the blind.
Secular Humanism has made a valiant attempt to develop a philosophy of life that contains meaning and encourages humans to reach their highest potential. The Age of Enlightenment featured the best and brightest minds contributing to art, culture, science, and government. It has been a remarkable achievement, considering the depths of the preceding Dark Ages, and considering that the extent of human existence was thought to be limited to 5-sense physical reality.
Our civilization is not the first. Others have risen and fallen, leaving very little trace. The unfortunate fact appears to be that each civilization reached an apex and then declined until a "reset" was needed.
In trailblazing hypnotherapist Dolores Cannon's "Convoluted Universe" series, she includes a session with a client that recalled under hypnosis his role as a celestial being whose job it is to push the "reset" button when civilizations have decayed to the point of needing it. In the session with Dolores, he expressed anger that he finds himself incarnated here once again. He had thought we had collectively learned our lesson though the many times it had happened before. There was apparently strong expectation on the part of the Ascended Masters that this time could be different.
Dolores Cannon collected information from sessions with thousands of clients. She often found that many of them were not coming to her simply to get answers about their own issues and past lives; some went into deeper trance where authoritative voices came through to deliver messages concerning events on Earth. A clear theme emerged that the Ascended Masters really wanted to have things turn out differently for Earth this time around. The plan is to avoid destruction by raising the collective consciousness of humanity. Dolores began referring to this as "The New Earth". She speculated as to how the actual logistics would be carried out, and what would happen to the "Old Earth" and the portion of humanity that is not ready for ascension.
I don't presume to have any clues as to the actual mechanics of ascension. Brighter minds than mine are grappling with the problem. What I have developed is a personal vision of how life can be approached if one assumes that the limitations we were previously governed by were removed.
My cosmology is based on the understanding that the universe consists of a singular consciousness, and that consciousness is the underlying cause and substance of everything. The physical universe was created by thought, and exists as only one layer among many other layers of existence.
We are all primarily souls, existing in a higher spiritual dimension. Incarnation as humans is done because spirit finds it to be a valuable experience. As humans, we forget our spiritual origins and buy into a physical reality that is quite limited in contrast to our true natures. It generally works out OK that way, as the soul is usually able to accomplish its lessons and goals for each life, and then return to spirit to consolidate and review the experiences. This is true regardless of the spiritual awareness achieved by the individual; whether saint or sinner, Muslim, Hindu or atheist - none of that has any bearing on how the soul measures its progress. Any presumptive beliefs we may have about our existence are irrelevant once we return to our home dimension.
Until now, we generally lived our lives as best as possible, while subject to many limitations. Our understanding of who we really are was limited, and since we didn't know why we are here, we couldn't see a "bigger picture" that could be helpful in charting our course.
From the moment a baby is born, the primary experience is one of fear and deprivation. The warm environment of the womb is replace with a cold world where we may or may not have adequate resources. The parents try their best to surround baby with warmth and love, but the theme of life will soon be established as a struggle between love and fear. The developing human soon learns that lack and deprivation are the norm, and abundance is only gained through hard work, good luck, and sometimes coercion of others. The derivatives of fear become envy, hatred, dishonesty, violence and cruelty. On a larger scale, this leads to war and economic systems that exploit the majority for the benefit of the few.
The human living in the physical world has no tools to see things any differently or rise above limitations. But what if a greater understanding could be achieved? What if we could visualize a model of our reality where physicality exists as a substrate floating upon a sea of energy? What if we could become aware that everything about our physical existence is determined by sponsoring energetic thoughts?
I have painted a brief picture of the "One foot planted firmly on earth". Next we will examine the "One foot in Atlantis" aspect.
My vision is based on the assumption that limitations are arbitrary and can be pushed back a great deal. My approach is to visualize the energetic forces that form the backbone of our physical existence. By understanding how we got here, we can began to see how to change and redesign our reality.
As to why one foot needs to be on souls, we already know how to create anything we desire, instantly. It's an understatement to point out that souls generally are quite relieved to return to their spiritual roots after each life on earth ends. On that plane, there is no suffering or lack of any kind, and everything is bathed in unconditional love.
But...for now, we are here. My point is, that's a good thing. There is good purpose in our coming here. Some of us become very discouraged and are thoroughly miserable, but it's equally possible to remember the joy we naturally possess. It's important that we want to be here.
The premise is unquestionably great if you are a spirit living on The Other Side...but what if we could transfer more of that love and joy down to earth while we are still here? What if we could become channels, and let the unlimited source of energy flow through us?
It seems to me that there must have been an original purpose in human existence that has been subsequently lost. Perhaps earlier civilizations embodied more of this. Perhaps Atlantis was one of them, although it eventually decayed in other ways that led to destruction.
This is my challenge: What if we pushed back our sense of limitations, and keep pushing until something convinces us to stop. What if we forged active connections with spirit, and channeled unconditional love and creative energy into our own lives and immediate surroundings? Who knows what we could create?
Later we'll get into more details of what this could look like.
Are you in?
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