This begins an ambitious project for me. Over the past several years of my spiritual journey, I have sought to understand and optimize the relationship between spirit and flesh in the human incarnation. The objective is to fully actualize the potential for human life on this earth.
This is not merely another treatise on "living the abundant life", insofar as abundance is defined in strictly material terms. This philosophy is rooted solidly in the knowledge that physical life is primarily concerned with the soul choosing a mortal experience in physical bodies.
Abundance would then be more broadly defined as conditions that optimizes the soul’s experience and furthers its objectives while in physical form. Of course, physical conditions are part of the picture, within the context of the soul’s life plan. We may need to reign in the ego- mind’s tendency to focus excessively on material issues, but the spiritual path is not necessarily anti-material. In fact, most causes of physical suffering can be addressed through spiritual techniques.
There are many techniques and programs out there for self-improvement. Some are narrowly focused on single areas, such as psychological motivation, emotional problems, or material success. Many claim to be an exclusive, unique solution, despite the fact that all draw upon common principles. Some of the latter charge thousands of dollars for their supposedly unique solution.
In my own journey, I have taken on the goal of making changes in my life. I have watched or read The Secret, What the Bleep, books by Wayne Dyer, Seth(Jane Roberts), Abraham and many more. I came to the realization that everything on this topic can be distilled into a few basic truths.
I came to accept the reality that we create our own reality, as Seth puts it. I believed that we can ask for and visualize whatever we please as put forth in "The Secret" and "Ask and It Is Given". I thought I was changing my beliefs, as Seth instructed. I thought that my reality should begin changing any time now. However, despite my best efforts, it appeared that very little change was occurring in my life. Nothing I had tried was working, and I felt stuck.
My sense of urgency grew over the past two years, as "The Shift" intensified and the realization dawned that I was on the threshold of a major redirection in life path. My intuition told me that every answer was available, locked somewhere in my subconscious or higher self. I realized that my desired changes were being blocked by something. I began to ask what the blocks are and how can they be released. Insight eventually flooded in, which filled in a major missing piece of the puzzle for me.
In this series of articles, I will be elaborating on the major principles that lead to "full actualization" of one’s life, and my own journey in working with them. None of these ideas are new or earth-shattering, but my recent insight deals with how multiple angles and modalities must be considered in concert when clearing the energy blocks that inhibit success.
As mentioned earlier, abundance must be defined in terms that incorporate the essence of our existence, i.e. the soul incarnating in flesh. The energetic body, which interfaces spirit to flesh, must be actively considered and worked with. It’s important to understand that we did not come into this life merely to suffer, and suffering generally results from imbalance and suppression of the soul’s expression.
Full actualization requires the incorporation of wisdom from multiple disciplines, including psychology, neurology, and various metaphysical modalities. Some helpful techniques include EFT, Accupuncture, Reiki, Hypnosis, meditation, and any type of energy work.
In upcoming posts I will focus on each component that fits in as a piece of the overall puzzle. I'm excited about bringing all these pieces together and learning to fully actualiz the life that we are living.
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