Sunday, November 8, 2015

I have been reading a book on changing reality from a Hawaiian Huna perspective. So far, this one has really illuminated me with new information on the subject.

I have read my share of material on reality creation and "law of attraction", and most of them tend to repeat the same points. And,as I've commented in numerous blog articles, to the extent that the "Law of Attraction" focuses merely on acquiring health and wealth, it misses the much of the point of the soul's purpose in life.

What seems to set this one apart is that Huna practice is an entire lifestyle, philosophy and worldview in itself. From the Huna perspective, very little in physical life cannot be altered and directed with conscious intent. What others might think of as extraordinary miracles are simply part of everyday life. The teacher does not just teach the "how" but the "why" and how this fits in with a comprehensive view of how the universe works.

One example of new insight for me concerns how we are affected by the English Language flexibility in the use of the verb "to be".

Law of Attraction gurus tell us that the power to change reality exists in the present moment, and to the extent that our focus is on the past or future, we undermine our ability to change. One reason that we of  Western rational thought can struggle with reality creation is that our language makes it so easy to shift focus from present tense to past or future. We might say "Yesterday I felt sad", but indigenous Hawaiian language forces focus from the present perspective as in "My time of feeling sad yesterday is over". Perhaps this may seem but a subtle difference, but it influences the subconscious, where reality creation begins.

Another example is our habit of creating nouns to create things from abstract experience. We can feel pain as a process of experience, but we say "I have pain" or "My pain returned" or "The pain moves around".  "Pain" may describe how we feel, but it is not really an autonomous "thing". If we say "I am angry" this not only describes how we feel, but identifies and links us to the descriptive adverb "angry". This identity can be a significant obstacle to changing and eliminating undesirable aspects of our reality.